
Wolf’s Financial Services Leadership Series: Fintech Forum


March 17, 2021, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm




Location: Virtual Meeting

Financial institutions that are striving to provide best-in-class technology solutions to their customers and members often find themselves searching for products outside of those provided by traditional core processers. Offering enhanced, innovative solutions, fintech companies can provide state-of-the-art technology to address some of the most hard-hitting challenges faced by financial institutions. Due to the stark differences in operations, strategies, and requirements, financial institutions and fintechs have often viewed each other as competitors. However, as fintech steadily gains momentum in the industry, both sectors have recognized they can develop mutually beneficial relationships to fill gaps in processes.

For financial institutions, integrating fintech solutions often requires working directly with creative, young technology companies. When beginning these partnerships, technological risks and cultural challenges may emerge. Financial institutions are traditionally more rigid in their approaches while fintechs tend to think more outside the box. But both sets of characteristics are necessary to develop successful financial enterprises, enhance customer service, and encourage growth.

During this roundtable, we’ll discuss the benefits of integrating leading technology solutions into current strategies, including the monetization of existing data. We’ll also discuss risks institutions should anticipate during integration—such as information security hurdles and vendor due diligence obstacles—and how these two different cultures can work together to achieve common goals.

You’ll learn:      

  • Benefits of working with a fintech company
  • How to navigate organizational cultural differences
  • Strategies to ensure successful partnerships
  • The latest trends in fintech
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